I remember sitting in graduate school in one of my first marriage counseling classes and the Professor handed out a survey. It asked us a series of questions about relationships and conflict. We passed our papers to a neighbor and scored them. It showed that I was off the charts on "mind reading" as a relational expectation. Turns out I wasn't the only one; the majority of my classmates scored just as high...
We always marry the wrong person. No matter what. Realizing this truth will set you free in your marriage. When we set out to find the perfect person to marry, our "soul-mate", we set sail for failure. We must remember that to begin with we are the wrong person. We are broken, messed up, sinful. Thus we will always be the wrong person for someone to marry as they will be for us...
Many of my teenage and adult clients experience depression. For some it's seasonal or situational. For others it's a lifelong battle with a mental illness that does not ever go away completely, even with proper medication and regular therapy. All of them work hard at managing their mood. Through counseling we find the coping skills that work best for them...
At one time or another we all experience a new beginning, typically at many times in our lives. Change is hard and yet new beginnings can often times be the open door for which we have been hoping. Life is change; it is inevitable. Yet new experiences, new opportunities, new friendships, or even a fresh chance on a familiar relationship can be a powerful occasion for growth and maturity...
The holidays are often difficult for many of us who have lost a loved one. Whether or not we lost our loved one around the holidays, this time of year can be very painful. Memories tend to come flooding back, usually uninvited. Oftentimes the people around us speak very little of the one we lost, perhaps "not to bring up anything that would make us upset", and maybe because they are uncomfortable with pain or sorrow themselves...
If you experience depression, it may feel like winter a majority of the time: cold, dreary, foggy, and very little sunshine! The season of winter also triggers a time of depression for many people. Whether due to the holiday season, the cold and dreary weather, or other factors, many people experience an increase in sadness and depression during winter months. Depression means feeling sad or down pervasively. Perhaps you feel helpless or hopeless...
We often don't want to feel pain. Instead, we want to do everything we can to avoid it. But in order to avoid pain we have to avoid deep relationships, avoid any relationship where we would give or receive deep love. We would have to avoid deep friendships, avoid marriage, maybe even avoid having children. Would this really achieve the goal though? Would we avoid pain altogether or would we just feel a different type of pain?
What could ANTS have to do with anxiety you ask?? Well...everything is the answer! ANTS are automatic negative thoughts and contribute greatly to anxiety and depression. ANTS are the thoughts you think that tell you "you're not good enough, you don't have what it takes, you'll never get what you want", etc. They are the inner critic inside us all...
Below is an excerpt from an excellent book by Larry Crabb linked here (though I think all his books are excellent)! It discusses our desire for happiness and how that tends to play out in marriage. Our society places such high value on happiness. American culture tells us that only when we are happy will we be fulfilled and living abundantly. Yet Scripture consistently tells us that it is actually obedience that leads to fulfillment and abundance...
We live in a quick fix society. You are hungry and you want food now? No problem, there are a billion fast food places that will serve you up a full "meal" in under 2 minutes! You need info and you need it now? Just pull out your smart phone connected to the World Wide Web and you'll have any info you need at the touch of a button, in seconds! You need something to wear and hate your current wardrobe? No problem, ...
I work with many families and their teenage daughters in family counseling. One thing we spend some time discussing is home rules. Typically teens do not like rules, think they are too strict, stupid, or that they need more freedom. The parents feel they are not being unreasonable and truly want the best for their daughters...
Oftentimes we realize or others point out to us, that we are not making healthy choices for ourselves. Perhaps it's in nutrition, exercise, daily routine, job, or relationships that we are making poor choices. But at some point we realize we are not doing good things for ourselves. I work with many clients in counseling to identify what those choices are and the underlying factors driving them towards those unhealthy choices...