After a loss so many things are in flux; many things are changed, different and feel scary. Grief counseling may be something recommended to you as a resource or support. However, going to a new place and meeting a new person can feel especially daunting when your whole world has just turned over. Teletherapy is a comfortable alternative to traditional therapy; meeting with a counselor from a place you find reassuring is a less stressful way to start the therapeutic journey. For many clients I see who have lost a spouse, child or are navigating divorce, schedules are overwhelming, demands are high and adding one more place to be on the calendar is just too much. Distance counseling allows you to stay at home or at the office to meet with a therapist. As long as you have a quiet, private place to set up your phone, tablet or computer - you're able to log into a confidential therapy session and begin to learn ways to cope with the painful grief you are experiencing. Minimizing pressure, stress and over-scheduling is important in the healing process after a painful loss. Healthy grief happens with intentional time set aside. Taking a commute out of your day while still attending a therapy session allows you extra time for rest and reflection. Virtual grief therapy is an effective support to help you learn healthy things to do in this time to process your deep feelings, navigate through the painful thoughts and begin making sense of your tomorrows.